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The Royal Australian Navy Rugby Union (RANRU) was formed in 1912 and has progressively grown from strength to strength throughout its long history. The RAN recognises the benefits of the sport of rugby, considered a premier team sport throughout the World, which encourages fitness and fosters the type of teamwork and camaraderie sought by many modern corporations.

RANRU proudly fosters both male and female rugby union at all levels within Navy, the Australian Defence Force and the community. In addition to unit-level challenges, the RANRU participates in a number of development fixtures against other representative sides. From these various fixtures, events and development camps the Navy Senior Men's and Women's national squads are selected for the Australian Defence Force Rugby Union Championships (ADFRU-C) - the pinnacle of the annual Defence rugby calendar. These national men’s, women’s and Under 21s squads undertake special event tournaments and international tours, including the triennial Commonwealth Navies Rugby Cup, and the Admiral's Cup.







Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, AO, RAN.jpg

Patron Royal

Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, AO RAN

Chief of Navy

Royal Australian Navy

RANRU Executive Committee

CDRE N. Robb

CMDR T Brown

CAPT T. Morrison

SBLT J. Heirdsfield

PO T. Jeffery

CMDR K Brown

CMDR M Hogan

LEUT K Welling-Burtenshaw

MR R Giveen

WO J. Lawless

PO J. Tadulala

PO P. Lawrence

CPO A McDonald

LEUT R Drinkwater

PO N Palmer

AB T Yeend

LS  L Taylor

LEUT W. Halaufia

LCDR J. Knight


Vice President

Director of Rugby (DoR)



Marketing Manager (ex-officio)

Old Salts Representative

Events and Public Affairs (ex-officio)

Historian (ex-officio)

Men's Team Manager

Men's Head Coach

Men's A/Coach

Women's Team Manager

Women's Head Coach

Women's A/Coach

Women's Player Representative

Men's Player Representative

Colts Coach

Kit and Equipment

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